Friday, 29 April 2011

La Vérité sur la Chimiothérapie.

La Santé, parlons-en, saviez-vous que des enquêtes et des questionnaires montrent que trois docteurs sur quatre (donc 75%) refusent toute chimiothérapie sur eux-mêmes, en cas de cancer en raison de son inefficacité sur la maladie et de ses effets dévastateurs sur la totalité de l’organisme humain.

Voici ce que de nombreux docteurs et scientifiques ont à dire à propos de la chimiothérapie :

“La majorité des patients atteints de cancer dans ce pays meurent à cause de la chimiothérapie, qui ne soigne ni les cancers du sein, ni ceux du côlon ou des poumons. Cela été consigné depuis plus de dix ans. Néanmoins les docteurs continuent à utiliser la chimiothérapie pour combattre ces tumeurs.”
(Allen Lewin, MD, UCSF, “The Healing of Cancer”, Marcus Books, 1990)

“Si je devais contracter le cancer, je ne recourrais jamais à un certain modèle thérapeutique pour soigner cette maladie. Les patients du cancer qui se tiennent éloignés de ces centres ont une certaine chance de s’en sortir.”
(Prof. Georges Mathé “Scientific Medecine Stymied”, Médecines Nouvelles, Paris, 1989)

“Le Dr Hardin Jones, conférencier à l’université de Californie, après avoir analysé pendant de nombreuses décennies les statistiques de survie au cancer, est parvenu à cette conclusion : “ ... Quand ils ne sont pas traités, les patients ne vont pas plus mal, ils vont même mieux.” Les conclusions déstabilisantes du Dr Jones n’ont jamais été réfutées”.
(Walter Last, “The Ecologist”, vol. 28, n°2, Mars-avril 1998.)

“De nombreux oncologues recommandent la chimiothérapie pour presque tous les types de cancer, avec une foi qui n’est même pas ébranlée par des échecs presque constants.”
(Albert Braverman, MD, “Medical Oncology in the 90s”, Lancet, 1991, vol. 337, p. 901)

“Nos prescriptions les plus efficaces sont très risquées, ont des effets secondaires et comportent des problèmes pratiques, et après que tous les patients que nous avons traités ont payé leur dîme, seul un minuscule pourcentage d’entre eux est remboursé par une période éphémère de régression tumorale et généralement partielle.” (Edward G. Griffin, “World Without Cancer”, American Media Publications, 1996)

“Après tout, et pour une majorité bouleversante de cas, il n’y a aucune preuve que la chimiothérapie prolonge les attentes de survie. Et c’est le grand mensonge de cette thérapie, qu’il y a une corrélation entre la réduction des tumeurs et le prolongement de la vie du patient.”
(Philip Day, “Cancer : Why we’re still dying to know the truth”, Credence Publications, 2000)

“Plusieurs scientifiques à plein temps au Centre du Cancer Mac Gill ont envoyé à 118 docteurs, tous experts du cancer du poumon, un questionnaire pour déterminer le niveau de confiance qu’ils avaient dans les thérapies qu’ils appliquaient; on leur a demandé d’imaginer qu’ils avaient eux-mêmes contracté la maladie et laquelle des six thérapies expérimentales actuelles ils choisiraient. 79 docteurs ont répondu, 64 d’entre eux ont dit qu’ils ne consentiraient pas à subir un traitement contenant du cis-platine - un des médicaments chimiothérapeutiques communs, tandis que 58 sur 79 croient que toutes les thérapies expérimentales ci-dessus ne sont pas acceptables en raison de leur inefficacité et du niveau élevé de toxicité de la chimiothérapie.”
(Philip Day, “Cancer : Why we’re still dying to know the truth”, Credence Publications, 2000)

“Le docteur Ulrich Abel, un épidémiologiste allemand de la Clinique des tumeurs de Heidelberg-Mannheim, a étudié et analysé de manière exhaustive les principales études et expérimentations cliniques effectuées sur la chimiothérapie: “ ... Abel a découvert que le taux global mondial de résultats positifs résultant de la chimiothérapie était effrayant, parce que, simplement, nulle part nous n’avons de preuve scientifique à notre disposition démontrant que la chimiothérapie est capable de “prolonger d’une manière appréciable la vie des patients affectés par les types les plus communs de cancer des organes.” Able met en lumière le fait que rarement la chimiothérapie améliore la qualité de vie, il la décrit comme désolante du point de vue scientifique et maintient qu’au moins 80% des chimiothérapies administrées dans le monde sont sans valeur. Mais, même s’il n’y a pas de preuve scientifique, quelle qu’elle soit, que la chimiothérapie marche, ni les docteurs ni les patients ne sont préparés à l’abandonner.”
(Lancet, Aug. 10, 1991)

“Aucun des principaux media n’a jamais mentionné cette étude exhaustive; elle a été complètement enterrée.”
(Tim O’ Shea, “Chemotherapy - An Unproven Procedure”) “Selon les associations médicales, les effets secondaires notoires et dangereux des médicaments sont devenus la quatrième cause principale de mortalité après l’infarctus, le cancer et l’apoplexie.”
(Journal of The American Medical Association, april 15, 1998)

...Lorsque le remède est pire que le mal...

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Bardo Thodol: The Tibetan Book of the Dead

The Bardo Thodol -- "Liberation Through Hearing in the Intermediate State," known commonly as "The Tibetan Book of the Dead" -- is among the most famous works of Buddhist literature. It is best known as a guide through the intermediate state, or bardo, between death and rebirth. However, the teachings in the book can be read and appreciated on many different, subtle levels.
The Indian master Padmasambhava came to Tibet in the late 8th century. He is remembered by Tibetans as Guru Rinpoche ("Precious Master"), and his influence on Tibetan Buddhism is incalculable. According to Tibetan tradition, Padmasambhava composed the Bardo Thodol as part of a larger work called the "Cycle of Peaceful and Wrathful Deities." This text was written by his wife and student, Yeshe Tsogyal, and then hidden in the Gampo Hills of central Tibet. The text was discovered in the 14th century by Karma Lingpa.
There's tradition, and then there are scholars. Historical scholarship suggests the work had several authors who wrote it over a period of many years. The current text dates from the 14th or 15th centuries.
In his commentary on the Bardo Thodol, the late Chogyam Trungpa explained that bardo means "gap," or interval of suspension, and that bardo is part of our psychological make-up. Bardo experiences happen to us all the time in life, not just after death. The Bardo Thodol can be read as a guide to life experiences as well as a guide to the time between death and rebirth.
Scholar and translator Francesca Fremantle said that "Originally bardo referred only to the period between one life and the next, and this is still its normal meaning when it is mentioned without any qualification." However, "By refining even further the understanding of the essence of bardo, it can then be applied to every moment of existence. The present moment, the now, is a continual bardo, always suspended between the past and the future." (Fremantle, Luminous Emptiness, 2001, p. 20)
The Bardo Thodol in Tibetan Buddhism
The Bardo Thodol traditionally is read to a dying or dead person, so that he or she may be liberated from the cycle of samsara through hearing. The dead or dying person is guided through encounters in the bardo with wrathful and peaceful deities, beautiful and terrifying, which are to be understood as projections of mind.
Buddhist teachings on death and rebirth are not simple to understand. Most of the time when people speak of reincarnation, they mean a process by which a soul, or some essence of one's individual self, survives death and is reborn in a new body. But according to the Buddhist doctrine of anatman, there is no soul or "self" in the sense of a permanent, integral, autonomous being. That being so, how does rebirth function, and what is it that is reborn?
This question is answered somewhat differently by the several schools of Buddhism. Tibetan Buddhism teaches of a level of mind that is always with us but so subtle that few ever become aware of it. But in death, or in a state of deep meditation, this level of mind becomes manifest and flows across lives. Metaphorically, this deep mind is compared to light, or a flowing stream, or wind.
This is only the barest of explanations; fully understanding these teachings takes years of study and practice.
Through the Bardo
There are bardos within within the bardo that correspond to the three bodies of the Trikaya. The Bardo Thodol describes these three bardos between death and rebirth:
1. The bardo of the moment of death
2. The bardo of supreme reality
3. The bardo of becoming
Taking these one at a time:
The bardo of the moment of death. The Bardo Thodol describes a dissolution of the self created by the skandhas and a falling away of external reality. The consciousness that remains experiences the true nature of mind as a dazzling light or luminosity. This is the bardo of dharmakaya, all phenomena unmanifested, free of characteristics and distinctions
The bardo of supreme reality. The Bardo Thodol describes lights of many colors and visions of wrathful and peaceful deities. Those in the bardo are challenged to not be afraid of these visions, which are projections of mind. This is the bardo of sambhogakaya, the reward of spiritual practice.
The bardo of becoming. If the second bardo is experienced with fear, confusion and nonrealization, the bardo of becoming begins. Projections of karma appear that will cause rebirth in one of the Six Realms. This is the bardo of nirmanakaya, the physical body that appears in the world.
There are several translations of the Bardo Thodol in print. Here are just a few.
W. Y. Evans-Wentz (editor) Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup (translator), Tibetan Book of the Dead, 1927, 1960. This was among the first English translations and is often cited, although some of the newer ones are more readable.

Chogyam Trungpa and Francesca Fremantle, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, 1975. Chogyam Trungpa's commentary makes this edition a good choice.

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

La Vérité sur la cigarette

La Vérité sur la cigarette
Que fume-t-on exactement lorsqu’on tire une bouffée de cigarette ? Du tabac, pense-t-on. C’est vrai, mais pas seulement car le tabac est plongé dans des mélanges chimiques. Les industriels appellent cela « la sauce ».
On sait que ces additifs sont au nombre de 600 environ. Il faudra attendre fin 2004 pour que l’Union européenne impose la transparence en matière d’additifs au tabac.

Pour accrocher plus efficacement les fumeurs et augmenter leur nombre, cette « sauce » modifie certaines caractéristiques du tabac, par exemple :

- de diminuer l’âcreté de la nicotine et de la fumée (coumarine…) ;

- d’enrichir son goût (cannelle, chocolat, menthol, miel, réglisse, vanille…) ;

- de faciliter le passage de la fumée dans les petites bronches (théobromine) ;

- d’amplifier le passage de la nicotine dans le sang (ammoniaque…) ;

- de renforcer l’effet de la nicotine sur les neurones (acide lévulinique) ;

- d’accentuer l’effet « dopant » (acétaldéhyde…).

S’ajoutent au mélange des résidus de produits utilisés par les agriculteurs cultivant le tabac : insecticides fongicides, herbicides, engrais, mercure, cadmium, plomb…

Une grande partie des addifs et autres résidus identifiés sont cancérigènes, neurotoxiques ou mutagènes. Mais il y a pire. Lors de la combustion d’une cigarette, ce délectable assortiment engendre plus de 5000 substances différentes, synthétisées ou séparées sous l’effet de la chaleur. Inhalées par le fumeur et son entourage immédiat, elles passent en grande partie dans le sang car les poumons sont très peu sélectifs.

Le monoxyde de carbone représente environ 4 % des gaz de cette fumée. Si les cigarettes devaient respecter les normes antipollution des gaz d’échappement de voitures, elles seraient refusées au contrôle technique…

Voici quelques substances dangereuses présentes dans la fumée des cigarettes : arsenic, acétaldéhyde, polonium 210, dibenzacridine, butane, toluène, pyrène, cyanure d’hydrogène, phénol, cadmium, nitrosamines, urétane, méthanol, naphthylamine, anabasine, harmane, monoxyde de carbone, oxyde d’azote, N_nitrosopyrrolidine, catéchol, quinoléine, nicotine, nornicotine fréon-11, ammoniaque, théobromine, formaldéhydes, couramine, glycérol, mercure, plomb, acide lévulinique, acide cyanhydrique, acétone, toluidine, benzopyrène…

• Saviez-vous qu’en Europe les cancers du poumon entre 1900 et 1945 étaient presque totalement inexistants, alors que le pourcentage de fumeurs était très proche de celui d’aujourd’hui (aux alentours de 40 %) ?
- On peut se demander si ce ne serait pas dû aux nombreux ingrédients qui y sont ajoutés... :
La Nicotine : il faut savoir que la nicotine vient du nom de Jean Nicot qui l’a introduit au 16ème sous le nom “l’herbe à Nicot”. Elle est présente à hauteur de 5% dans les feuilles de tabac. La Nicotine est tout de même classée parmi les poisons Neutral, autrement dit elle contribue, à faible dose, à une stimulation du système nerveux.

• Saviez-vous que, selon Philip Morris : « Fumer entraîne des problèmes de santé graves tels que le cancer du poumon, les maladies cardiaques, l’emphysème et d’autres maladies chez les fumeurs. Les fumeurs sont beaucoup plus susceptibles que les non-fumeurs de développer des maladies telles que le cancer du poumon. Il n’existe pas de cigarette “sûre”. »

• Saviez-vous qu’entre 1945 et 2000 plus de 2000 essais nucléaires ont été réalisés dans les airs et en sous-sol, et plus de 80 incidents nucléaires importants ont eu lieu (notamment en Angleterre), polluant pour des décennies l’air que nous respirons ?
- La campagne anti-tabac ne serait-elle pas l’arbre qui cache la forêt du nucléaire...

• Saviez-vous que, l’OMS (Organisation Mondiale de la Santé) a signé en 1959 un accord avec l’AIEA (Agence Internationale de l’Énergie Atomique qui stipule que l’OMS ne peut parler des cancers provoqués par le nucléaire, sans l’accord de l’AIEA. Or, selon une étude scientifique indépendante, le nucléaire serait responsable de 120 millions de cancers depuis 1945.

• Saviez-vous que, Richard Doll, l’homme qui est à l’origine de la principale étude statistique en 1969 sur le rapport entre tabac et cancer des poumons, est un scientifique qui a été financé par Monsonto, Dow Chemical, l’Association des Industries Chimiques Américaines, General Motors et deux fabricants d’amiante (Turner et Newall) ?
- Conflit d’intérêt afin de cacher des plus gros coupables ?

• Saviez-vous que, malgré 50 ans d’essai en laboratoires, il n’a jamais été possible de prouver scientifiquement que le tabac pouvait créer des cancers chez les animaux comme les rats, les souris, ou les singes ?

• Saviez-vous que, Pfizer et GlaxoSmithKline (deux laboratoires pharmaceutiques américains vendeurs de gommes à la nicotine et de produits contre les maladies neurologiques) ont financièrement parrainé la conférence européenne du 2 juin 2005 à Luxembourg “Pour une Europe sans fumée” qui a fabriqué 5 863 morts du tabagisme passif en France ?
- Guerre entre l’industrie pharmaceutique et l’industrie du tabac...

• Saviez-vous que, la plus grande étude sur le tabagisme passif, réalisée en Europe par l’OMS en 1998, trouve un risque d’augmentation de cancer quasiment nul pour les non-fumeurs ?
- Pourtant on est formaté du contraire...

• Saviez-vous que, les fumeurs avaient un risque de 73 % moins élevé que les non-fumeurs de développer une maladie neurologique de Parkinson, selon le journal scientifique “Neurology” ?

• Saviez-vous que, le principal défaut du tabac est de consommer 500 mg de vitamine C par jour par paquet, ce qui a des conséquences indirectes sur la protection contre les cancers et les maladies cardio-vasculaires ?

• Saviez-vous que, l’homme est l’un des rares mammifères, avec le cochon d’Inde, à ne pas synthétiser sa propre vitamine C et que l’OMS recommande 75 mg par jour, alors que, le double prix Nobel, Linus Pauling recommande, lui, 1 000 mg par jour, soit près de 15 fois plus ?
Il ne faut pas oublier que la marque Kent a vendu des cigarettes dotées d’un filtre en amiante, réputé comme le plus protecteur. Les industriels de l’amiante, qui savent que leur produit est cancérigène, se taisent. On ne saura jamais combien de fumeurs en mourront. De toute façon, l’idée est commercialement mauvaise et Kent y mettra fin : le filtre, trop performant, déplaît aux fumeurs qui trouvent les cigarettes insipides.

• Saviez-vous qu’une étude scientifique de 2009 précise que SANS ETRE ASSOCIEE à certains additifs, la nicotine n'est pas addictive ?
- Donc les patchs seraient un effet placebo ?!

Buddhism and Vegetarianism

In Buddhism, the views on vegetarianism vary from school to school. In the schools of the Theravada and Vajrayana, the act of eating meat is not always prohibited; the Mahayana school generally recommends a vegetarian diet. This is based on the firm insistence by the Buddha in certain Mahayana sutras, that his followers should not eat meat or fish. Interestingly, the accepted legend of the Buddha’s death says that he died after accepting tainted meat (pork infected with Trichinosis) from his hosts while travelling. The meaning of the relevant word to describe this food, is however contested, for mamsa is not the usual term for meat. It is sukara-maddava, which translates as ‘pig’s delight’ and has been interpreted as meaning a kind of truffle favoured by pigs.
There is a divergence of views within Buddhism as to whether vegetarianism is necessary, with some schools of Buddhism rejecting such a requirement. The first precept in Buddhism is usually translated as: I undertake the precept to refrain from taking life. Some Buddhists see this as implying that Buddhists should not eat meat, while others argue that this is not necessarily the case. Some Buddhists do strongly oppose meat-eating on the basis of emphatic scriptural injunctions against flesh-eating, issuing from the Buddha himself.
In the Anguttara Nikaya 3.38 Sukhamala Sutra, Buddha describes his family as being wealthy enough to provide non-vegetarian meals even to the servants. After becoming Buddha, he accepted any food offered with respect as alms, including meat. But there is no reference to him eating meat during his seven years as an ascetic.
On one occasion, according to the scriptures, a general sent a servant to purchase meat specifically to feed the Buddha. The Buddha declared that meat should not be eaten under three circumstances: when it is seen or heard or suspected that a living being has been purposely slaughtered for the eater. These Jivaka are the three circumstances in which meat should not be eaten. Jivaka! I declare there are three circumstances in which meat can be eaten: when it is not seen or heard or suspected that a living being has been purposely slaughtered for the eater.
In this particular sutra, Buddha instructs a monk or nun to accept, without any discrimination, whatever food is offered as alms with good will, including meat. However, in the Vanijja Sutra, the Buddha declares the meat trade to be a wrong means of livelihood. Monks! Lay followers should not engage in five types of business. Which five? Business in weapons, business in human beings, business in meat, business in intoxicants and business in poison. These are the five types of businesses that a lay follower should not engage in.

In the Nirvana sutra, a Mahayana Buddhist scripture purporting to give the Buddha’s final teachings, he insists that his followers should not eat any kind of meat or fish, and that even vegetarian food that has been touched by meat should be washed before being eaten. Also, it is not permissible for the monk or nun just to pick out the non-meat portions of a diet and leave the rest – the whole meal must be rejected.
Eating meat versus killing

Life is destroyed when farmers plough the ground or when food is cooked and insects are caught in the fire. Consequently, some Jain sources advocate avoidance of activities which are seen to have a more direct connection to killing, including all farming and eating of food, meat and root vegetables, which results in indirect destruction of animal and plant life. Some Jain monks are known to practice self-termination by starving themselves.
In Buddhism, what is most important is to recognise that existence, by nature, is the cause of direct or indirect suffering and death (samsara). One should avoid gluttony and greedy consumption while maintaining a healthy diet, and a lifestyle which is conducive to attaining enlightenment. In the Pali canon which all Buddhist sects consider to be generally authentic, the Buddha, when asked, refused to institute vegetarianism in the monastic code.
Mahayana Buddhism argues that if one pursues the path of the Bodhisattva for enlightenment, one should avoid meat eating to cultivate compassion for all living beings. Similarly, in Theravada Buddhism, avoiding meat eating for the purpose of cultivation of metta (loving kindness) is also seen to be in accord with Buddhist dharma. In most Buddhist branches, one may adopt vegetarianism if one so wishes, but it is not considered appropriate to attack another for eating meat.

In Chinese Mahayana, vegetarianism is seen as a prerequisite for pursuing the path of the Bodhisattva. The argument for vegetarianism is made more forcefully, often to the extent of accusing those who eat meat of lacking compassion. Chinese Mahayanists do not accept the Pali sutras as definitive when they conflict with the Mahayana sutras, and consequently some do not accept that Gautama Buddha ever ate meat or permitted eating it, in accordance with the Lankavatara sutra.
In the Pali canon, Buddha explicitly declared meat-eating to be karma neutral and once explicitly refused to institute vegetarianism in the monastic order. Theravada commentaries explain that the Buddha was making a distinction between the direct destruction of life and eating of already dead meat. Moreover, they point out that cultivation of vegetables also involves proxy killing. In fact, any act of consumption would cause some degree of proxy killing.
Hence the Buddha advised his followers to avoid gluttony, or any other act of craving which leads to overconsumption.
Certain Mahayana sutras do present the Buddha as very vigorously and unreservedly denouncing the eating of meat, mainly on the grounds that such an act is linked to the spreading of fear amongst sentient beings (who can allegedly sense the odour of death that lingers about the meat-eater, and who consequently fear for their own lives) and violates the Bodhisattva’s fundamental cultivation of compassion.
Moreover, according to the Buddha, in the Angulimaliya sutra, since all beings share the same ‘dhatu’ (spiritual principle or essence) and are intimately related to one another, killing and eating other sentient creatures is tantamount to a form of self-killing and cannibalism. The sutras which inveigh against meat-eating include the Nirvana sutra, the Shurangama sutra, the Brahmajala sutra, the Angulimaliya sutra, the Mahamegha sutra and the Lankavatara sutra, as well as the Buddha’s comments on the negative karmic effects of meat consumption in the Karma sutra.

In the Mahayana Mahaparinirvana sutra, which presents itself as the final elucidatory and definitive Mahayana teachings of the Buddha on the very eve of his death, the Buddha states that ‘the eating of meat extinguishes the seed of Great Kindness’, adding that all and every kind of meat and fish consumption (even of animals found already dead) is prohibited by him. He specifically rejects the idea that monks who go out begging and receive meat from a donor should eat it: “. . . it should be rejected . . . I say that even meat, fish, game, dried hooves and scraps of meat left over by others constitutes an infraction . . . I teach the harm arising from meat-eating.” The Buddha also predicts in this sutra, that later monks will ‘hold spurious writings to be the authentic Dharma’ and will concoct their own sutras and falsely claim that the Buddha allows the eating of meat, whereas he does not. A long passage in the Lankavatara sutra shows the Buddha speaking out very forcefully against meat consumption, and unequivocally in favor of vegetarianism, since the eating of the flesh of fellow sentient beings is said by him to be incompatible with the compassion that a Bodhisattva should strive to cultivate. In several other Mahayana scriptures too, (e.g., the Mahayana jatakas), the Buddha is seen clearly to indicate that meat-eating is undesirable and karmically unwholesome.
In Tibetan Buddhism, a strong emphasis was placed on the number of esoteric sutras which were transmitted from Northern India. In these sutras, it is clearly stated that the practice of ‘Vajrayana’ would make vegetarianism unnecessary. A number of tantric texts frequently recommend alcohol and meat, though not all take such passages literally. Many traditions of the Ganachakra which is a type of Panchamakara puja, prescribe the offering and ingestion of meat and alcohol.

Buddhist views today
In the modern world, attitudes toward vegetarianism vary by location. In the Theravada countries of South East Asia and Sri Lanka, monks are allowed by the vinaya to accept almost any food that is offered to them including meat, unless they suspect the meat was slaughtered specifically for them; in China, Korea and Vietnam, monks are expected to eat no meat. In Taiwan, Buddhist monks, nuns and most lay followers eat no animal products or the fetid vegetables – traditionally garlic, Allium chinense, asafoetida, shallot, and Allium victorialis (victory onion or mountain leek) – although in modern times this rule is often interpreted to include other vegetables of the onion genus, as well as coriander. This is called Su vegetarianism. In Japan, some clergy practice vegetarianism, and most will do so at least when training at a monastery, but otherwise they typically do eat meat. In Tibet, where vegetables have been historically very scarce and the adopted vinaya was the Nikaya Sarvastivada, vegetarianism is very rare, although the Dalai Lama and other esteemed lamas invite their audiences to adopt vegetarianism when they can. Chatral Rinpoche in particular, has stated that anyone who wishes to be his student must be vegetarian.
In the end, we can say that it should be left to your sensibilities and aesthetics to decide for yourself. So readers, use your conscience to know what you wish to do. Our attempt was to provide information in general and specifically in the Buddhist context.
Posted in Lifestyle, New on Soul Curry, Nov-Dec 2008, Spirituality, Zen | November 1st, 2008

Vegetarianism - Why go veg?

Why Go Veg? Learn about becoming a Vegetarian
People are drawn to vegetarianism by all sorts of motives. Some of us want to live longer, healthier lives...

People are drawn to vegetarianism by all sorts of motives. Some of us want to live longer, healthier lives or do our part to reduce pollution. Others have made the switch because we want to preserve Earth’s natural resources or because we’ve always loved animals and are ethically opposed to eating them.
Thanks to an abundance of scientific research that demonstrates the health and environmental benefits of a plant-based diet, even the federal government recommends that we consume most of our calories from grain products, vegetables and fruits. And no wonder: An estimated 70 percent of all diseases, including one-third of all cancers, are related to diet. A vegetarian diet reduces the risk for chronic degenerative diseases such as obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and certain types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, stomach, lung and esophageal cancer.

Why go veg? Chew on these reasons:
You’ll ward off disease. Vegetarian diets are more healthful than the average American diet, particularly in preventing, treating or reversing heart disease and reducing the risk of cancer. A low-fat vegetarian diet is the single most effective way to stop the progression of coronary artery disease or prevent it entirely. Cardiovascular disease kills 1 million Americans annually and is the leading cause of death in the United States. But the mortality rate for cardiovascular disease is lower in vegetarians than in nonvegetarians, says Joel Fuhrman, MD, author of Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss. A vegetarian diet is inherently healthful because vegetarians consume no animal fat and less cholesterol and instead consume more fiber and more antioxidant-rich produce—another great reason to listen to Mom and eat your veggies!
You’ll keep your weight down. The standard American diet—high in saturated fats and processed foods and low in plant-based foods and complex carbohydrates—is making us fat and killing us slowly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and a division of the CDC, the National Center for Health Statistics, 64 percent of adults and 15 percent of children aged 6 to 19 are overweight and are at risk of weight-related ailments including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. A study conducted from 1986 to 1992 by Dean Ornish, MD, president and director of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, found that overweight people who followed a low-fat, vegetarian diet lost an average of 24 pounds in the first year and kept off that weight 5 years later. They lost the weight without counting calories or carbs and without measuring portions or feeling hungry.

You’ll live longer. If you switch from the standard American diet to a vegetarian diet, you can add about 13 healthy years to your life, says Michael F. Roizen, MD, author of The RealAge Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat. “People who consume saturated, four-legged fat have a shorter life span and more disability at the end of their lives. Animal products clog your arteries, zap your energy and slow down your immune system. Meat eaters also experience accelerated cognitive and sexual dysfunction at a younger age.”
Want more proof of longevity? Residents of Okinawa, Japan, have the longest life expectancy of any Japanese and likely the longest life expectancy of anyone in the world, according to a 30-year study of more than 600 Okinawan centenarians. Their secret: a low-calorie diet of unrefined complex carbohydrates, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, and soy.

You’ll build strong bones. When there isn’t enough calcium in the bloodstream, our bodies will leach it from existing bone. The metabolic result is that our skeletons will become porous and lose strength over time. Most health care practitioners recommend that we increase our intake of calcium the way nature intended— through foods. Foods also supply other nutrients such as phosphorus, magnesium and vitamin D that are necessary for the body to absorb and use calcium.
People who are mildly lactose-intolerant can often enjoy small amounts of dairy products such as yogurt, cheese and lactose-free milk. But if you avoid dairy altogether, you can still get a healthful dose of calcium from dry beans, tofu, soymilk and dark green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, collards and turnip greens.
You’ll reduce your risk of food-borne illnesses. The CDC reports that food-borne illnesses of all kinds account for 76 million illnesses a year, resulting in 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths in the United States. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), foods rich in protein such as meat, poultry, fish and seafood are frequently involved in food-borne illness outbreaks.
You’ll ease the symptoms of menopause. Many foods contain nutrients beneficial to perimenopausal and menopausal women. Certain foods are rich in phytoestrogens, the plant-based chemical compounds that mimic the behavior of estrogen. Since phytoestrogens can increase and decrease estrogen and progesterone levels, maintaining a balance of them in your diet helps ensure a more comfortable passage through menopause. Soy is by far the most abundant natural source of phytoestrogens, but these compounds also can be found in hundreds
of other foods such as apples, beets, cherries, dates, garlic, olives, plums, raspberries, squash and yams. Because menopause is also associated with weight gain and a slowed metabolism, a low-fat, high-fiber vegetarian diet can help ward off extra pounds.
You’ll have more energy. Good nutrition generates more usable energy—energy to keep pace with the kids, tackle that home improvement project or have better sex more often, Michael F. Roizen, MD, says in The RealAge Diet. Too much fat in your bloodstream means that arteries won’t open properly and that your muscles won’t get enough oxygen. The result? You feel zapped. Balanced vegetarian diets are naturally free of cholesterol-laden, artery-clogging animal products that physically slow us down and keep us hitting the snooze button morning after morning. And because whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables are so high in complex carbohydrates, they supply the body with plenty of energizing fuel.
You’ll be more “regular.” Eating a lot of vegetables necessarily means consuming more fiber, which pushes waste out of the body. Meat contains no fiber. People who eat lower on the food chain tend to have fewer instances of constipation, hemorrhoids and diverticulitis.
You’ll help reduce pollution. Some people become vegetarians after realizing the devastation that the meat industry is having on the environment. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), chemical and animal waste runoff from factory farms is responsible for more than 173,000 miles of polluted rivers and streams. Runoff from farmlands is one of the greatest threats to water quality today. Agricultural activities that cause pollution include confined animal facilities, plowing, pesticide spraying, irrigation, fertilizing and harvesting.
You’ll avoid toxic chemicals. The EPA estimates that nearly 95 percent of the pesticide residue in the typical American diet comes from meat, fish and dairy products. Fish, in particular, contain carcinogens (PCBs, DDT) and heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium) that can’t be removed through cooking or freezing. Meat and dairy products can also be laced with steroids and hormones, so be sure to read the labels on the dairy products you purchase.
You’ll help reduce famine. About 70 percent of all grain produced in the United States is fed to animals raised for slaughter. The 7 billion livestock animals in the United States consume five times as much grain as is consumed directly by the American population. “If all the grain currently fed to livestock were consumed directly by people, the number of people who could be fed would be nearly 800 million,” says David Pimentel, professor of ecology at Cornell University. If the grain were exported, it would boost the US trade balance by $80 billion a year.
You’ll spare animals. Many vegetarians give up meat because of their concern for animals. Ten billion animals are slaughtered for human consumption each year. And, unlike the farms of yesteryear where animals roamed freely, today most animals are factory farmed—crammed into cages where they can barely move and fed a diet tainted with pesticides and antibiotics. These animals spend their entire lives in crates or stalls so small that they can’t even turn around. Farmed animals are not protected from cruelty under the law—in fact, the majority of state anticruelty laws specifically exempt farm animals from basic humane protection.
You’ll save money. Meat accounts for 10 percent of Americans’ food spending. Eating vegetables, grains and fruits in place of the 200 pounds of beef, chicken and fish each nonvegetarian eats annually would cut individual food bills by an average of $4,000 a year.
Your dinner plate will be full of color. Disease-fighting phytochemicals give fruits and vegetables their rich, varied hues. They come in two main classes: carotenoids and anthocyanins. All rich yellow and orange fruits and vegetables—carrots, oranges, sweet potatoes, mangoes, pumpkins, corn—¬owe their color to carotenoids. Leafy green vegetables also are rich in carotenoids but get their green color from chlorophyll. Red, blue and purple fruits and vegetables—plums, cherries, red bell peppers—contain anthocyanins. Cooking by color is a good way to ensure you’re eating a variety of naturally occurring substances that boost immunity and prevent a range of illnesses.
It’s a breeze. It’s almost effortless these days to find great-tasting and good-for-you vegetarian foods, whether you’re strolling the aisles of your local supermarket or walking down the street at lunchtime. If you need inspiration in the kitchen, look no further than the Internet, your favorite bookseller or your local vegetarian society’s newsletter for culinary tips and great recipes. And if you’re eating out, almost any ethnic restaurant will offer vegetarian selections. In a hurry? Most fast food and fast casual restaurants now include healthful and inventive salads, sandwiches and entrées on their menus. So rather than asking yourself why go vegetarian, the real question is: Why haven’t you gone vegetarian?

The Photon Band

The Photon Band

"Before the Sun throws out light, where is the light? Photons come out of nowhere, they cannot be stored, they can barely be pinned down in time, and they have no home in space whatsoever. That is, light occupies no volume and has no mass. The similarity between a thought and a photon is very deep. Both are born in the region beyond space and time where nature controls all processes in that void which is full of creative intelligence." —Deepak Chopra

The Photon Band and the Process of Transmutation

The Photon Band was first detected in 1961 by means of satellite-borne instruments.[1] Later in the 1960s, earthlings began to move the focus of their perceptions off planet, when the first astronauts went to the Moon. This was a movement of consciousness out of 3D. The Photon Band might have always been there. Prior to leaving your planet, you had no way of knowing. Possibly all you are really doing is exploring galactic identity as simply a new and more encompassing way of thinking. Whatever it is, your view of reality has expanded into the Galaxy. What do I mean? You are beginning to pinpoint your perceptual focus in a new center—the black hole in the Galactic Center of the Milky Way. This enables you to reach a new stage in your evolution.

The Pleiadians do not like being accused of being too concrete. To them, it is fine to think of this shift as merely perceptual. However, I, Satya, astrologer of Alcyone, will tell you that considerable evidence already exists that you are being impulsed from the Pleiades and Sirius as you stretch your minds beyond Earth's atmosphere. The first modern Pleiadian contacts began in the 1970s, when Billy Meier of Switzerland reported and photographed many Pleiadian ships. Communications through channels have increased since that time, and many of you have noticed that many indigenous people say they came from the Pleiades. A compelling argument for contact between Earth and Sirians was chroni­cled by Robert Temple in The Sirius Mystery, published in 1977; he asked how an otherwise illiterate African tribe knew Sinus was a trinary star system.[2] The time has come for you to realize that the Photon Band is real—in some dimension. You can see its influence in its growing popu­larity as a concept. Once enough individuals assume that it is having an influence, then the mere idea of it begins to alter your reality. For exam­ple, possibly the Photon Band is only a particularly apt metaphor for the Age of Light! It's back to good old Berkeley/Hume again . . . Would the Photon Band be changing your reality if you weren't noticing it?

You are moving into the Photon Band and we Pleiadians, who have been intimately involved with evolution on Earth, are being impulsed by the increasing photonic light in your realm. According to quantum physics, both of a pair of photons that originated in one positronium atom always have identical angles of polarization—the spatial orientation of the photon's wavelike action as it travels away from its point of origin (origi­nal positronium)—no matter how far apart they become.[3] Thus, what hap­pens to a photonic particle in one pan of the Galaxy happens to its twin simultaneously. In this way, what is now happening in the Pleiades to the star Maya is exactly what is happening in Earth's solar system. Now is the time to understand exactly how the Photon Band is the activation mecha­nism for the climax of the Mayan Great Calendar[4]

The Pleiadians know much about this Band. Since Alcyone is located eternally in the Band, the Alcyone Library has the most information about it. Alcyone provides stellar gravity of the Pleiades, as your Sun provides solar gravity of your solar system. According to physicists, gravity is the force in the Earth's core that draws weight to itself. From the Pleiadian point of view, gravity is the first dimension of any system that originates communication links with nine dimensions of intelligence. All other dimensions derive from any 1D locus, and as they journey away from their 1D center, they become increasingly less solid. I, Satya, have always thought it was a hoot that your scientists can't yet define gravity. The joke is that they're looking in outer space when they should be starting the search for it in their own planet.

Seen from Alcyone, your solar system is like a lone, last Pleiadian sheep wandering way out in the darkness, which returns to the keep peri­odically. It is easier for you to comprehend your reality right now from our perspective, and that is why our collective 5D voice is so powerful in your minds right now. Alcyone is the mother of all the Pleiadian herd.

Now that you are opening your vertical axis of awareness, after being so immersed in your 3D horizontal plane, the Pleiadians are very disturbed about the fear-filled stories being circulated about the Photon Band. We have never seen such a Chicken Little syndrome! All the information you require for adjustment to a new perceptual field will be available as soon as you look at things in a new way. I, Satya, am happy to offer you as much information as possible from your own scientific sources, because this is more credible for you and helps you verify what you are already feeling. It would be even more powerful for you to just follow your own feelings now, with or without verification.

A photon is a quantum (smallest particle) of electromagnetic energy with zero mass—no electrical charge and an indefinitely long lifetime. This lack of electrical charge and long life causes my beingness on Alcyone to be magnetic and eternal. If it were not for my relationship in time and space with our other Pleiadian stars, I would express no movement or measure—the creation method of solar light in darkness—such as your solar system in the Galactic Night. If it were not for you, I, Satya of Alcyone, would not even know that I exist in this profound darkness. Remember, darkness defines light, and so I was impulsed to initiate move­ment in time and measure in space by sending out a spiral of light. For you, this is your spiritual life! Like Hathor, the Great Cow Goddess of Egypt, I love birthing you, and I can see realities in deep space because of you.

According to quantum physics, the positronium is composed of an electron and a positron, and because the positron is the electron’s antiparticle opposite, the two collide eventually and form two quanta of light, or photons.[5] The collision resolves inherent duality into light, and as the elec­tron is a basic unit of activation—life—it triggers the transmutation of the positron—karma. Thus, as the photonic light increases in your solar system, your karma transmutes into information, since light is information. As you release karma, the antiparticles and electrons collide, quanta of light are formed, and the Photon Band manifests! As photonic light increases in your realm, the power of your density release moves you deeply into your subconscious, and you get new information (light) about yourself, The more you explore this karma, the more life will be drawn to you for colli­sions with your energy. You are feeling this quickening.

I will give you an example that will help you take the Photon Band seriously. This will impulse you to prepare yourselves. The Photon Band has been triggering release of negative karma big time since 1987; we Pleiadians are truly astounded by your release of negative karma! Have most of you noticed the intensity of the emotional-body processing and the release of your addictions since 1987? Now enough of the emotional antiparticles have transmuted so that electrons are triggering you in your physical bodies. Thousands of years ago, first your spiritual bodies, then your mental bodies, were transmuted by light; and during the Age of Pisces, you have been transmuting your emotional bodies. Processing your physical bodies began March 14, 1994, and it involves releasing antiparti­cles called "miasms" from your bodies.''

You all have miasms in your bodies that you must release. These are etheric masses that hold memory of genetic or past-life disease patterns; memory of present-life diseases that were not cleared due to vaccinations, which prevented you from manifesting the disease memory and erasing it; or memory of disease that you drove deeply into your bodies by taking antibiotics, chemicals, or radiation when your body actually wanted to heal by means of its own immune system or by letting go into total healing by dying. These miasms are being intensely activated by the Photon Band since March 14, 1994, because your healing process has now moved into the 2D elemental realm. Your four bodies of consciousness increase in density progressing from spiritual to physical, and your process of trans­mutation has become increasingly intense.

As you progress into the Photon Band, the elements of your physical integrity—the parts of "you" that gathered together to make your body, according to your unique soul agreement—will be flying off and uniting with antiparticles melding into light. Once you are in the Photon Band, your depth of field—your rich biological memory in time—will be your actual embodiment, as long as you can clear these miasms. What do I mean? I have watched you respond to total immersion in the Photon Band before. This is how it looked to me in 24,000 B.C. and it still looks this way to me today: I see an exquisite, lush all-species Garden, and there you are, deep in the greenness as the hot solar light dissipates. Life is vibrating all around you, and you are in samadhi. There are no emotional body miasms in your physical body. You are photonic—a mass of cells that is pure intelligence—because you have surrendered everything you were holding from density in the Galactic Night.

That is when the Supreme Council of Alcyone meets to read your codes and

work with you to set intention about the next 26,000 years of evolution.

The galactic orchestrators—the Maya—have planned Earth's ascen­sion brilliantly by studying your emotional-body density patterns from 3113 B.C. to the present time. They have figured out what it will take for you to accomplish this next step—clearance of your physical bodies—and they know that you cannot do it without all the powers of your mental bodies. You must know how the process works in time.

There are actually two dates in the near future that obsess you: the new millennium beginning 1/1/2000 and winter solstice 2012. Many of you have already begun to feel the frenzy of the millennium. You are wait­ing for your gods to rescue you, and you are not fully present in your "now." You sit glued to your televisions watching preachers scream about the End Times while your little children are hungry and deeply lonely. Many of you are waiting for Jesus to ride in on the clouds like a 1950s cowboy star. A huge group called "Light Net" will be waiting for "Him" to arrive at midnight, Dec. 31, 1999. When "He" doesn't show, the last emotional-body belief systems will dissipate, and then you will enter the most intense phase of transmutation up through 2012.

Meanwhile, there will be a soft, deep, droning vibration all over the planet, like a great swamp vibrating at the Equator, as the indigenous people become ecstatic as they feel the pulsations of the Galactic Center. The inhabitants of Earth will actually pulse with the Galaxy after 2000 A.D., when the Sun becomes fully immersed in the Photon Band. The Galaxy actually pulses like a great heartbeat all the time, but this phenomena is very subtle. During height­ened photonic immersion, the interconnectedness of the photon pairs is felt as resonating waveforms that make the galactic pulses audible. This time is the convergence of many cycles. The Maya are always the conduc­tors in these times, and they know exactly what you require for ascension. Ascension is your reimmersion in the Garden of Eden with your star memory open.

The field of Alcyone is filled with photons that resonate with their twins elsewhere in the Galaxy. Alcyone does not manifest solid things in linear space and time (3D), positrons have already collided with electrons and formed photon pairs, and the karmic transmutation process is not part of its reality. That is why you perceive the Pleiadians of Alcyone, as the central star, always directs the herd. We are genuinely fascinated with how you evolve in dualities, and we feel no judgment in our hearts about your karma. We do like to stimulate your life force, which triggers collisions between life and karma. I, Satya, love this phase with you when photonic influence increases and these dualities resolve into unified insight. Then I can read your energy. I tell you, people, you have nothing to fear. Solar light is a magnificent balm that triggers your growth and evolution in the Galactic Night, and then you return to the Photon Band. The Alcyone Library holds the photon analogs to your light, and what would a library be without books? I delight when you go through self-exploration, which for me is having you with me as you read these books.

The orbits of Pleiadian stars outside the Band are what provide data to Alcyone. The spiral makes it possible for Alcyone to express cellular memory in space and time, since memory atrophies unless it is communi­cated. This is the reason for the rich tradition of storytelling with indige­nous people, and I would like you to know that the memory templates in our library are sound-coded. If the stories are sounded, the explosion of memory causes the pattern to be a spiral for critical leap time, and the spi­rals are generated by sound. During karma time in the Galactic Night, everything is endlessly circular, then the data which resonates powerfully enough to be audible moves the circle into a spiral. That is why you were all so fascinated with your "Slinky" rolling down the stairs. I tease you, but I've noticed that you usually learn more from your toys than from your books. I will give you a little tip: if you can hear the sound of your book in your head as you read it, it's a good one. Your words are wonderfully sound-coded.

The Photon Band, the Mayan Calendar, and the Pleiades

Without your journey in the darkness, Alcyone would be eternal beingness with no intelligence, just as your Sun would have no creativity if the plan­ets did not orbit around it, molding its experience by time and cycles. A few years ago, my vehicle would probably not have paid much attention to articles on the Photon Band in magazines, if it were not for the concept that Alcyone is the central Pleiadian star with your Sun as the eighth star of the system.[6] This knowledge was already retained deep in her mind because her Cherokee grandfather, many years ago, had told her Alcyone was her home. This memory was reawakened when she studied with Mayan daykeeper, Hunbatz Men. In his monumental work, Los Calendarios Mayas Y Hunah K'U, 17 sacred calendars of the Maya are described—most of which are short-term cycles—and one of the 17 cal­endars shows a 5D Pleiadian cycle—the Sun orbiting around Alcyone in a 26,000-year-long cycle.[7] This calendar helped our vehicle remember the early childhood story of coming from Alcyone told to her by her Grandfather Wise Hand, a carrier of the Cherokee records of Alcyone from his mother. The Cherokee knowledge passes from woman to man, then from man to woman. For our vehicle, it was very difficult to integrate such an idea while growing up in Saginaw, Michigan. And what does all that have to do with the Photon Band?

My vehicle noticed that the length of both the Pleiadian cycle and the precession cycle was 26,000 years, and the end of the Mayan Calendar and the precession into Aquarius were close in time. Therefore, she asked Hunbatz Men if the end of the Great Calendar coincided with the Pleiadian calendar, "Calendario del Tzck'cb o Pleyades," and he said yes. She quickly intuited that the entrance into the Photon Band was exactly that coincidence, and finally she was able to utilize astrological analytic methods, and she saw it! Our library read her wave of insight, and we saw it! Photon increase in the solar system would be what would trigger Earth's critical leap at the end of the Mayan Great Calendar during the Age of Aquarius! My vehicle already knew an abundance of geocentric astrological triggers; those transits are covered in Appendix A.

As for what science has to say about the possibility of the solar system being part of the Pleiades, researchers such as Robert Stanley and Shirley Kemp, along with astronomers Paul Otto Hesse, Jose Comas Sola, Edmund Halley, and Freidrich Wilhelm Bessel, have stated that this is scientifically feasible.[8] Robert Stanley reported on the discovery of the Photon Band by satellites in 1991 and commented, "These excess pho­tons are being emitted from the center of our Galaxy ... Our solar system enters this area of our Galaxy every 11,000 years and then passses through for 2,000 years while completing its 26,000-year galactic orbit."[9] Figure 4 attempts to model this cycle, with Alcyone immersed in the Band emanating out as a spiral that spins Pleiadian stars in and out of the Band.
My vehicle has crafted the model of the Alcyone spiral, and this is feasible in terms of galactic distances. Earth is tilted in relation to the rotational plane of the Galaxy, and it is difficult to visualize and catalog motions of stars in our own galactic arm. The way the Pleiades are traveling as a group is shifting somewhat differently than other groups of stars in the Galaxy. Study of the Proper Motion or Universal Motion of stars suggested to most ancient astronomers that Alcyone was the Central Sun that the whole uni­verse moves around. [10]

Astronomers still have not invented the instruments to measure such subtle movements between bodies at a great distance from one another that are moving in similar directions, so these relative discrepancies appear to be infinitesimal from Earth. The solar system, the Pleiades, and Sirius revolve around the Galactic Center every 225 million years. Astronomers may not ever get verification of the Sun's relationship to the Pleiades or Sirius; however, how could so many separated indige­nous people claim Sirian or Pleiadian origin if these were not ancient memories of the Sun's stellar system?

Many trance channels were reporting increased contact with the Pleiades at the same time my vehicle was receiving increasingly clear com­munication with Alcyone. Hunbatz Men chuckled when she joked that she was from Alcyone and he must be from Maya. Men does not discuss the Photon Band in Los Calendarios, but he does discuss "La Luz," the coming age of light, which my vehicle's Grandfather Hand described as "The Age of Light" that she would someday live to experience. This is, of course, the increase of photons due to the collisions of karma and life force (kundalini), which results in two interconnected quanta of light.

A related issue, that has claimed growing attention since 1987 and was described by Arcturian beamer José Argüelles, is the activation of our solar system by means of a Galactic Synchronization Beam. This process began about 5100 years ago, and entered its climax phase—1987-1992—on August 16-17,1987.[11] Indigenous peoples all over the planet synchronized themselves with this beam, and astronomers reported that the Galactic Center was emitting tremendous energy around this time. Supernova 1987 was visible in the skies during February 1987, as Argüelles, our vehicle, and a ceremonial group were activating Palenque in preparation for Harmonic Convergence. We Pleiadians know that many inhabitants of Earth realize something really big is unfolding because we can feel your curiosity building, and we love it. Speaking of pairs of photons resonating with each other at a great distance, could that function mean that the group at Palenque contained particles in their bodies that were twinned with the photonic waveforms of Supernova 1987?

Earth precesses into Aquarius every 26,000 years, when each Mayan Great Cycle completes and then begins again. According to both Aztec and Mayan cosmologies, 2012 is also the completion of a 104,000-year cycle composed of four Mayan Great Cycles. This coincides with the cycle of the Four Great Ages of the Aztecs, who say Earth will be entering into the Fifth World.

This cycle is also the completion of a 225-million-year galactic orbit

since the introduction of the reptilian species on Earth.

I, Satya, can tell you that the energy of the Galactic Synchronization Beam in 1987 caused the Photon Band to attain a new dimensional frequency, which shifted the whole Pleiadian system into setting a new intention for the next biological stage of evolution beyond the reptilian mode. John Jenkins has definitively established that the end of the Calendar is winter solstice 2012, when the Sun conjoins the crossing point of the Earth's ecliptic and the Galactic Equator, as discussed in depth in Chapter One. Jenkins has even argued that this crossing is the message of the lid of Pacal Votan's sarcophagus at Palenque.[12] It was while in ceremony during Supernova 1987 that my vehicle was able to encode this 9D Galactic Center pulsation. Nine dimensions of cellular memory awakened in her physical body, as was happening with all other humans at that time.

When the Milky Way Galaxy was activated by the Galactic Synchro­nization Beam, its liquid darkness essence pulsated, and photon bands became nuclear clearing zones of the whole Galaxy. Every star and plane­tary system within the Galaxy sooner or later goes through this 9D galac­tic pulsation by means of photon bands. These bands support the form of the galactic arms, which are filled with electrical energy like your spines. The pulsations in the arms clear zones in the Galaxy by means of exquis­ite galactic sound tones, and some of you are already hearing this sound as kundalini rising. This is activation time in the galactic arm where the Pleiades are located. As the Pleiadians have said, at the end of the Great Calendar in 2012, biological intelligence will spread through the whole Galaxy by means of this information highway of light. It is as if these photon bands are stimulating antiparticles out of hiding in the whole Galaxy, and then the photon force in the bands is increasing!

The Maya knew that the cleansing of emotional bodies and, lately, physical bodies on Earth would awaken biological integrity. They saw how distorted emotions perverted biological integrity, because this perversion was mirrored back to them by Cortez and his minions. They appreciated being able to look the god in the eye, and then they were sacrificed by the Spaniards. The Maya are now quanta of light as they gently persuade more and more people to cease abusing Earth. They are ready to orchestrate the whole planet through the critical leap of 2012.

Nothing will remain in 3D form in the Photon Band unless it is amped up to nine dimensions.

Yes, this is true, but all this is happening slowly enough for all of you to accelerate your bodies to synchronize with it. If you choose activation, your access to energy clarification exists in your own spine, which will trigger the whole electrical system of your body, and karma you need to finish will make collisions. The photons that split out are signals that awaken the magnificent snake lying coiled in your root chakra.

[1] Shirley Kemp, “The Photon Belt Story” Nexus (Feb 1991)

[2] Robert Temple, “The Sirius Mystery” (New York

[3] Michael Talbot, “The Holographic Universe”

[4] The Maya Calendar takes 25,625 years

[5] Talbot – The Holographic Universe

[6] Kemp and Stanley (see above)

[7] Hunbatz Men – Los Calendarios Mayas Y Hunah K'U (Juárez, México)

[8] Ibid.

[9] Stanley – The Photon Zone.

[10] Vivian – Fixed Stars

[11] José Argüelles – The Mayan Factor

[12] Jenkins – “End Date”.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 April 2011 16:47